Hello Critical Thinkers! PanSIG Just an update on the CT SIG Forum at PanSIG. If you are a member, you know when and where it will be (Hint: It is on the CT SCAN you recently received). If you are not a member, we will be holding our CT SIG Forum on Sunday, May 17th …
An April update
Greetings Critical Thinkers! Things have been busy here at the CT SIG over the past month. While we have had some internal changes with officers (more on that in the coming weeks) we are still planning for the future with events and publications. Events! We will have the CT SIG Forum at the PanSIG conference …
2 more day for CT SIG PanSIG submissions!
Howdy Critical Thinkers! This is just a reminder that we are still accepting PanSIG CT SIG Forum presentation submissions for this May in Kobe. Please check out our flyer HERE for details. Deadline is March 7th so send your presentation submissions in now! As always, critically yours, The CT SIG core of officers
PanSIG 2015 Deadline Approaching!
Greetings Critical Thinkers! This is a friendly reminder that the PanSIG call for submissions is coming to a close this Saturday. If you have not submitted a proposal yet, please consider doing so here: https://www.conftool.net/pansig2015. CT SIG 2015 PanSIG Forum! You can also present your critical thinking ideas with the CT SIG at our PanSIG 2015 …
Submissions page has been updated!
Now Accepting Critical Thinking & Higher Order Learning/Thinking Skills Articles! Greetings Critical Thinkers! We have updated the CTLL Journal article submissions page (semi-finalized) with the types of articles we are looking for and their respective word limits. We would love to hear from both members and non-members with ideas, research, and methods to share! Got something …
Hello Critical thinkers!
While the CT SIG officers are busily trying to get 2015 off to a great start, we thought we would share this video of the 2014 JALT National Conference. It was a great event overall and we hope you can join us in Shizuoka this year for the 2015 JALT National Conference. Learn more about …
Upcoming CT presentations
Here is a look at some of the upcoming CT presentations: January 25th Mineshima Michio, Roehl Sybing, Nakagawa Hiroshi, and David Gann will be presenting at the ETJ Chubu event. Visit the website below for abstracts, times, and dates. Flyer: http://ltprofessionals.com/pdf/Expos2014/chubupresentations2014.pdf Website: http://www.eltcalendar.com/events/details/6772 February 21 David Gann will be presenting at the following conference in Nagoya: http://meiwriting.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/call-for-participation-at-second-international-symposium-on-academic-writing-and-critical-thinking …
Past Events page updated and a new logo!
Head over to the Past Events page to see the photos of the event and a recap of the presentations. It was a great event and the audience was wonderful. Over the course of six presentations, we had many people who participated and asked a lot of great questions. A good time was had by …
ETJ Tohoku gets underway tomorrow!
The CT SIG will have six presentations at the ETJ Tohoku tomorrow! If you are in the area and would like to hear some interesting talks, please stop by! You can see the schedule HERE. The event website is HERE. We hope to see you there! The CT SIG Executive Board
The direction of the CT SIG in 2015
At the CT SIG Annual General Meeting this year, we discussed some of the ideas and concerns of our members (both old and new!). We jotted down some of the talking points we, as a SIG, would like to address in the coming year. We welcome any and all ideas from our members and if there …