REMINDER: The call for the PanSIG (Petcha Kucha Style presentations) Critical Thinking Forum for 2018 PanSIG in Tokyo is still open for a few more days. We are looking for up to 8 presenters who can give short, 6-minute petcha kutcha style presentations. This means that each presenter will speak for about 6 minutes, have a 4 minute QnA, and the participants will switch …
Coming up in December!
Hello Critical Thinkers, Last weekend was a good one for the JALT Critical Thinking SIG. Our forum on Saturday went off without a hitch and the presentations were well received by the audience. If you couldn’t make it, we hope you can join us in Tokyo on May 19th and 20th at PanSIG 2018 at …
JALT 2017 and the JALT Critical Thinking SIG Forum
Hello Critical Thinkers! We are a little less than a week away from JALT 2017. The biggest conference of its type in Japan! We are excited to bring you 3 presentations Saturday at 12:40 in Convention Hall 200 with the JALT Critical Thinking SIG Forum. Below, you can find information on the three presentations. Stick …
September 24th Event BRAIN/CT SIGs!
ATTENTION CRITICAL THINKERS! We will be holding a one-day event with the BRAIN SIG and the JALT Tokyo Chapter at Rikkyo University on September 24th. We will have 4 (and a half!) great presentations with an exciting guest featured speaker. Our guest speaker is the previous coordinator of the JACET Critical Thinking SIG. Dr. Kahoko …
Keep September 24th on your calendars!
Good morning Critical Thinkers, We would like to inform you of our upcoming event with the JALT BRAIN SIG and the JALT Tokyo Chapter at Rikkyo University. You can download the flyer HERE. Overview: Come join us on the beautiful Rikkyo Campus in downtown Tokyo for a day of sharing Critical Thinking, Higher-order Thinking Skills, …
Reminder of upcoming deadlines (CTLL and BRAIN/CT SIG Event)
Good morning Critical Thinkers! CTLL Journal Deadline: This is just a friendly reminder for you to submit your manuscripts for the CTLL (max 4,000 words) to by the end of this month (July 31st). This is to ensure we can send the papers out in a timely manner to the peer-review team. BRAIN/CT SIG …
It’s been a while! Hello Critical Thinkers, First, before I get into the news, I must apologize for the lapse in updating the SIG with what is happening. That being said, luckily, there have not been any big emergencies or last minute things to share with you! Whew! Second, I would like to remind you that …
JALT 2017 Deadline Feb. 13th + A New Resource + PanSIG Information!
New Resources on our member-resource page If you follow our Facebook page, you probably have seen that we are sharing a series of videos on Critical Thinking from a free course on the Khan Academy website. If you are enjoying these videos and can’t wait to pour through all of the content, we have added …
Update and Important Dates! PanSIG (Individual Submissions) & JALT International (SIG Forum Submissions)
Good morning Critical Thinkers! Welcome to 2017! We hope this year will be a great one for you, your friends and families, and your career! Update on the PanSIG CT SIG Forum: The theme of this year’s forum is: Implementing Critical Thinking into the LL Classroom: Stories from the field. We have selected six presentations …
4 more days to submit for PanSIG 2017 CT SIG Forum
Good afternoon CT SIG members! This is just a friendly reminder that we are still accepting submissions for the JALT Critical Thinking SIG forum at the 2017 PanSIG in Akita. Please email your: Name/Affiliation/Title/Abstract (up to 75 words ok) to our program chair at: We hope to see you in Akita! Sincerely, The JALT …